By Denny Nunez - (Sprint Nextel)
More and more of our clients are looking to migrate their mission critical wired data connections to Fixed-wireless solutions. The main drivers for this are flexibility, decreased time to market, and potential cost saving versus low speed landline alternatives such as frame relay circuits. One of the key selection criteria in choosing a wireless data provider is connection reliability. Wireless Data Coverage does not do much good if it is not consistent and reliable.
Verizon claims that they have the most reliable wireless broadband network. Sprint claims we have the most dependable wireless broadband network. “Sounds like we are saying the same thing”. Who is truly the most dependable or reliable?
The most unbiased way to find out is to look at trusted 3rd party tests based on sound scientific sampling methodologies.
Imagine if McDonalds started to advertise that they make the best hamburgers in America. Imagine they say this claim is based on McDonalds hiring their own Market Surveyors (who receive a W-2 directly from McDonalds) and come to the conclusion after trying the hamburgers from Burger King, Wendy’s and others, that their employer, McDonalds makes the best hamburgers! (Surprise!)
Far fetched? No brand name company would ever do something so obviously biased and expect the public to believe it?
Verizon’s Most Reliable Claim
Let’s take a closer look at the testing methodology that is behind Verizon’s claim of having the most reliable network. See This Verizon press release which reveals what is behind their most reliable network claim:
“Verizon Wireless’ team of real-life test men and test women drove more than 1 million miles in 2008 – the equivalent of two roundtrips to the moon or 40 trips around the world – to test the company’s and competitors’ networks. Data collected by these test men and women, who inspired Verizon Wireless’ iconic national advertising campaign, helped the company direct its multi-billion dollar network capital expenditure program and is the basis for the company’s “most reliable network” claim.”
Huh? So Verizon employed drivers in Verizon owned test vans with Verizon owned test gear decided that Verizon has the most reliable wireless data network!
Luckily, in the past year at least 6 independent reports have been released comparing the major wireless data carriers. They are all from trusted 3rd party sources such as Gizmodo, PC World, DSL Reports, Mobile Broadband Reviews, and the company behind our most Dependable Data Network Claim – Nielsen Mobile. 100% of these trusted 3rd party reports come to the same conclusions: Sprint has the most reliable data network!
1) Gizmodo
Coast to Coast 3G Data Test
“Sprint is a serious contender in almost any location—and should be taken seriously as a 3G and 4G data service provider”
2) PC World: A Day in the Life of 3G
“Sprint's results lent credence to its 'most dependable' claim…The Sprint network performed especially well, both in speed and in reliability, in our test cities”
3) DataOutages.com:
Sprint - Fewest data service outages of any major wireless provider
4) DSLReports.com
Wireless Broadband Review
Sprint Ranked #1 in Reliability among major wireless data providers
5) Novarum
Performance of Cellular Data Networks
“Sprint offered the highest performance with the greatest availability… For both ATT and Verizon, in about 25% of the locations with service - we could not get 3G service but rather fell
back to 2G service”
6) MobileBroadband-Reviews.com
2009 Wireless Broadband Comparison
Sprint Wireless Data Ranked #1 For Coverage and Reliability.
“ The following is not an overstatement. Sprint mobile broadband is one of the best 3G services you'll find out on the market right now. If you're a Wireless Broadband Exposed reader, you already know that they have the largest and best mobile broadband coverage. In addition to that, their average mobile broadband speed is better than Verizon and AT&T in a number of cities.”
EVERY single independent study I have seen that objectively looks at wireless data services comes to the same conclusion: Sprint has the best wireless data network and the most reliable wireless data network in the country.
We can proudly tell our customers: If reliability matters, choose the wireless data network found to be the most reliable by every major third party report. Choose Sprint Wireless Broadband.
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